Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Welcome friends and family! Tricia and I (Nicole) are about to embark on an amazing adventure! We have been given the opportunity to serve the people of Namibia with an organization called Africa Inland Mission. We believe that God has called us to share the gospel with every tribe, tongue and nation. He has put us in a position personally, financially and spititually where we can go. This a step of faith and we are extremely excited to see what God has planned for our time there. We thought this blog would be a great way to keep all of our loved ones informed on how things are going. We will take turns writing updates and informing you of our prayer requests. We strongly believe in the power of prayer and God's response to the prayers of His people. We appreciate all your love, prayers and support!!!

In Christ, Nicole


  1. Yeay!!!! Cant wait to hear more! I am praying for you girls!!!

  2. this is awesome. i'll be checking in and praying!

  3. YAY! what a great idea! make sure to post pics as well. love you both :)

  4. Hey chicas!

    Just wanted to let you know I'm ok. I'm heading out this evening instead. I put a story up on my blog (jeremyalbin.blogspot.com). Praying for you!!

  5. Love you guys! We are praying for you!

  6. Love hearing how God is working in both of your areas of giftedness! We are continuing to pray for you two and now will add this family to our prayers as well!
    Love you guys!
